Please check your phone to complete Your Transaction.
Enter your M-PESA PIN to authorise payment of {{ price }} /=.
Once you complete the payment, your download link will appear below in {{ timeout }} sec .
Please wait as we process request We will take a few minutes
If the request takes longer, it means that your network is weak. Try to upgrate or downgrade your connection type as either 2G, 3G or 4G
We are sorry that your request cannot be processed as there are no records retrived. Please try again with some other search options.
We are sorry that your request has not been successful. Please find in the response message below:
{{ failedErrorMessage }}
Enter Your M-PESA Transaction Code that was used during payment.
Whoops! Something went wrong!
Please provide us with the necessary details required to process your document.
Whoops, Something went wrong!
{{ $data }}
PSEC - File Generator
Processing your request. Please wait.
{{ show_success_message }}
Whoops, Something went wrong!
{{ error }}
Please wait.
Please check your phone to complete Your Transaction.
Enter your M-PESA PIN to authorize payment of {{ price }} /=.
Once you complete the payment, your download link will be generated automatically.
Follow the following steps to complete your payment.
Go to M-PESA
Select Lipa na M-PESA
Select Pay Bill
Enter 449566 as Business Number
Enter as Account Number
Enter Amount:
Enter Mpesa Pin
Click Ok
Info! Please provide us with the necessary details to process your document.
Enter Your M-PESA Code/ Account Number that was used during payment.